16 Experience-Based Tips to Simplify the JavaScript Codes

JavaScript has emerged as the leading scripting language in recent years. It has become the first choice amongst the next generation of developers. It is used in different servers, websites, operating systems, games, etc. It is also the most popular language used in GitHub.

The popularity is growing tremendously in the development of web and mobile apps. Due to its popularity, it is important for the developers to keep themselves updated with the different tips that help them in simplifying the JavaScript codes and improve their performance.

Here are some tips that can simplify the JavaScript codes…..

Learning the Importance of Asynchronous Programming

The applications require several internal calls in order to fetch the data that can be solved by different middleware for each function. JavaScript has many synchronous components that have the ability to lock the application. Along with these synchronous components, the async.js feature helps in the efficient management of asynchronous codes. There are chances that the external library may revert the synchronous blocking call and have an adverse effect on the overall performance. In such cases, asynchronous APIs can be used in the code for better functioning. Hence, it becomes important to understand the intricacies of a sync programming.

Defining the Variables Locally

The variables help in defining the functions that are stored inside. The variables can be local and global. The local variables are within themselves and the global variables are throughout the script. The browser does an activity when calling for a function that is known as scope lookup. When the number of scopes increases in the scope chain then the amount of time required to access the variables outside the current scope also increases. The engine takes a longer time to access the global variable and hence, it is recommended to define variables locally to decrease the time required by the engine to search them. This helps in boosting the overall speed of application.

var myVar = "my global variable"; // This variable is declared as global
function localVariable( ) {
var myVar = "my local variable";  // This is a locally declared variable

Keep the Codes Small and Light

When the codes are kept small and light, then it helps in maintaining the high performance of the mobile applications. It also helps in reducing the latency and boosting the speed. Diminishing and shrinking the JS files helps in optimizing the performance of the application.

Implementing Event Delegation

With the help of event delegation, it becomes easier to use a single event handler. This helps in the easy and efficient management of the event for the entire page. If there is no event delegation, then there can be issues with large web applications. It can cause a stoppage of the applications due to different event handlers. Event delegation has many benefits like fewer memory requirements for processing, managing less functionality, fewer ties between code and DOM, etc.

Avoiding Unwanted Loops

It is usually not good if there is looping in JavaScript. It puts extra strain on the browser. Hence, it is advisable to do less work in the loop that makes the loop faster. The developer can store the array’s length in a different variable that helps in running things more efficiently.

Gzip Compression

Gzip is a widely used software application for compression and decompression. It helps in compressing the big JavaScript files and saves the bandwidth. This helps in reducing the latency and time lag and also enhances the performance of the application.

Minimizing DOM Access

There is a significant amount of unpredictability and performance lag due to the interaction of the host browser with objects outside the JavaScript native environment. This is because the browser has to be refreshed every time and hence, it is important to minimize the access of DOM so that this scenario does not occur. The references can be stored in the browser objects and the DOM traversal trips can be reduced.

Caching Object to Boost Performance

There are mainly two ways to boost performance. One is to use the HTTP protocol cache and the second way is to make use of JavaScript Cache API. This can be easily done by installing a service worker. Making use of variables can help in boosting performance. The repeated access object can be stored inside the user-defined variable that also helps in boosting the performance.

Specifying the Execution Context

It is very important to define an environment in order to develop a website with the help of JavaScript. The performance of the code can be easily tested and measured effectively. The improvements that have to be incorporated into the program can be measured. But, it is not advisable to perform optimization and tests for all the versions of JavaScript as there might be feasibility issues. But, it is not necessary to test it in a single environment as it may give only partial results. Hence, it becomes crucial to define several environments to test the functionality of the codes.

Getting Rid of Unused JavaScript

The transmission time and the time taken by the browser to compile the code gets decreased when the developer gets rid of the unused JavaScript. The functionality that is not being used by the user should be detected and get ridden off so that it helps in loading the website faster and gives a better user experience.

Avoid Using a Lot of Memory

The JavaScript developer should have many skills and making use of limited memory is one of them. It becomes very difficult to determine the memory that is required by the device while running the app. If there are code requests for new memory reserve for the browser and there is no memory available, then the JavaScript is stopped and the browser’s garbage collector is executed. If this continues, then the page is slowed down.

Deferring the Load of JavaScript

Every user wants a quick loading page but it is not always necessary that the functions are available at the initial load of a page. In such cases, the user performs many different functions like clicking and changing tabs. This makes it possible to defer the loading for that particular function. This helps in avoiding the loading and compiling of the JavaScript code that may in other scenarios hold the display of the page. Once the loading is compelled, the developer can begin loading the other functionalities that are available for user interaction.

Eliminating the Memory Leaks

If there is a memory leak, then the loaded page uses more memory and occupies all the available memory of the device. This has an adverse effect on overall performance. There are different tools that help in detecting if there is a memory leakage. The Chrome Dev Tools helps in recording the timeline in the performance tab. The memory leaks can be due to the pieces of removed DOM as they have variables that are responsible for reference. It prevents the garbage collector from eliminating them.

Detecting Problems

There are various tools available that help in detecting the problem. Lighthouse is one of the most widely used tools for web pages. It helps in audit performance, accessibility, SEO, etc. Another tool is Google PageSpeed that helps the developer to understand the different areas of performance optimization and improvements. There are other tools available in the main menu of Chrome under the option ‘More Tools’ that helps in carrying out a more detailed analysis. The Performance view in Firefox or Chrome can also help in detailed analysis.

The Devtools’s performance analysis help in simulating the network and CPU consumption and also helps in identifying and fixing the problem. If the developer needs to go deeper then the Navigation Timing API is very helpful and helps in measuring the part of the code that is taken from the programming. NodeSource platform helps in exploring granular level performance and identify the source of memory leaks.

Implementing Different Optimizations

It is necessary to make use of algorithms with the least computational complexity to solve all the tasks. Some optimizations that can be used are:

  • Averting the recursive calls. 
  • Simplifying the mathematical formulas.
  • Replacing operations with bit-level operators that have a few processor cycles.
  • Rewriting algorithms to get the same result with fewer calculations.
  • Making use of search arrays to get value.
  • Putting calls, variables, and calculations for repeated functions.
  • Creating true conditions to take advantage of speculative execution.

Building Specialized and Modular Function

It is important to keep in mind that when the function is designed, a single task should be considered to write and accomplish the task. The function should be named to match the task. This helps in easy reading of the code.  

function table (columns, rows, item){
creates table and searches it for the passed item
// compared to
function createTable (columns, rows){
//creates table
function searchTable (table.length, item) {
//searches table for the passed item

The Parting Words

JavaScript developers need to follow these tips so as to simplify the codes and improve the overall performance. These tips will surely help in providing a superior JavaScript development service. Making use of a single tip will have little effect in boosting the performance but if multiple tips are combined together, then the results are tremendous. There is a huge improvement in speed and performance. This will help the developers to demonstrate true mastery over the language.

With time and practice, the developers can master these tips and provide top-quality services to their clients.

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